  • onlinevideosrecorder
  • Rejestrator wideo

    Nagrywaj swój film za darmo online

    Click here to start recording
    Wygodna i łatwa w obsłudze
    Wygodna i łatwa w obsłudze

    Witryna jest bardzo łatwa w użyciu, a będziesz wiedział, jak nagrać film, w krótkim czasie. Instrukcje są wyraźnie wymienione na ekranie.

    Dokładne wyniki
    Dokładne wyniki

    Witryna zapewnia dokładne wyniki i dostarcza to, czego oczekuje użytkownik. Przyjazny dla użytkownika interfejs ułatwia proces i nie zajmuje czasu na przetwarzanie danych.

    Bezpieczne i godne zaufania
    Bezpieczne i godne zaufania

    Nasza strona internetowa nie korzysta z żadnego serwera i dlatego nie przechowuje danych użytkowników. Nagrane filmy są w 100% bezpieczne dla użytkownika.

    Szybki i niezawodny
    Szybki i niezawodny

    Nie jest wymagane rejestracja i można wykonać zadanie w krótkim czasie. Strona internetowa jest szybka i wydajna i zapewnia pożądane rezultaty.

    Jakość w Twojej kontroli
    Jakość w Twojej kontroli

    Kontroluj jakość nagranych filmów, dostosowując rozdzielczość w ustawieniach.

    Całkowicie bezpieczny
    Całkowicie bezpieczny

    Ponieważ strona działa z serwerami w chmurze, żadne pliki nie są przesyłane, a Twoje dane są bezpieczne.

    how to image

    Jak nagrać wideo

    1 . Wybierz swój mikrofon i aparat
    2 . Kliknij na przycisk nagrywania
    3 . Kliknij na przystanek, gdy skończysz.
    4 . Teraz możesz odtwarzać, resetować lub pobrać nagranie
    5 . Hurra! Ciesz się naszą usługą

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will I be charged to use the website?

    Our website is absolutely free and you can use it as many times as you want. There is no free trial uses, after which you will have to pay for using our services. We won't charge you anything.

    Will I have to create an account to use the services?

    Our website does not require you to sign up or create an account. The platform is absolutely free and you can record as many videos as you want.

    Will my uploaded files be saved on the server?

    Our website works on cloud server and does not save your files. Your files will be completely safe with you, after you have recorded and downloaded your file.

    Does it support both Android and iOS platforms?

    Yes, our website works on browser, and therefore supports both iOS and Android platforms. You can use our services easily on your mobile, on the go.

    Can I use on any platform?

    Since our website is completely web-based and therefore provides cross-platform support. This means that our tool supports all versions of Windows. It not only works on windows operating system, but can work on any other operating system, that supports a browser. You can use our services for free on any version of windows.

    Can I get a preview of my recorded video?

    Yes, you can preview your recorded video, after you have stopped recording.You can click on play video, to preview your recorded video. If you are satisfied with the content you can click on download and if you want to reshoot the video, you can click on the reset option.

    I made a mistake and want to reshoot the entire video. What can I do?

    Once you stop recording the video, you will see three options, reset, play and download. You can use reset option to delete the current recorded video and click on the start recording option to reshoot the video.

    What format does the video gets recorded in?

    All the videos get recorded and download in MP4 format. Once you have finished the recording, you can easily download the file and it will be saved in the MP4 format.

    My inbuild mic doesn't work. What can I do?

    If your inbuild mic doesn't work and you want to record videos, you can use an external microphone, maybe connect earphones, and record videos. In the settings you can change the option of what microphone you want to use.

    How do I record videos?

    You can record videos online by going to our website and clicking on start recording. You will be asked permission to access your camera and microphone, and you have to say yes, so that our website can use the camera for recording videos. To start recording, click on the red circle on the window and click on stop after you are done.

    What is the quality of the recorded video?

    You can select the quality of your videos, as per your requirement. OnlineVideosRecorder allows you to set the quality of videos as per your choice, that you can change in the settings.

    What are the resolutions available?

    The resolutions available are 720p, 640p, 480p, 320p, 240p and 144p. Higher resolution will have better quality and vice versa.

    What can I do, if i was to record videos using a webcam?

    You vcan change the camera that you want to use in the settings. allows you to select the preferred camera, and use that to record videos. Go to settings and select the camera from the drop down menu.